Daily Record of the Most Boringest Life on Earth

I think the title about sums it up...

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Site Moved!


Daily Record of the Most Boringest Life on Earth has moved from Blogger to Wordpress.  All previous entries, as well as new ones, are stored on the Wordpress host:  https://weblog.eatonr.me.

See you over there!

About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
Boring sh!t really. Not much to tell. One time a tree was struck by lightning not ten feet from me and like exploded and the blast knocked me over! I was okay though. Another time I got my pinky caught in a pipe vice on a drilling rig which nearly severed it-that was pretty exciting. Oh yes, and one time I was sued for 3 million dollars. Top that sh!t!